Foreign Domiciled Stock Index
A passive investing model designed to achieve exceptional returns
The Foreign Domiciled Stock Index (FDSI) is a subset of 127 stocks within The Value Line Investment Survey®, which consists of approximately 1,700 stocks ranked for medium-term (6-12 month) price performance, financial strength, and long-term price stability relative to other stocks in the Survey. These 127 foreign domiciled stocks are ranked using Value Line’s proprietary algorithms, and are traded on the U.S. exchanges. FDSI is a perfect investment vehicle for investors looking for diversification through international equities. The FDSI, which consists of 89 foreign domiciled stocks and 52 ADRs, is equally weighted on a weekly basis. Using the time-tested and proven Value Line Ranking System for Timeliness™ and Safety™, the FDSI has outperformed major market indexes.
Foreign Domiciled Stock Index