Options Survey


Options Survey

Take control of your options with Value Line

The intuitive, easy-to-use Value Line Options Survey gives you the tools to search the entire market of more than 200,000 U.S. stocks, ETF and index options. It evaluates them and ranks them from 1 (for buying) to 5 (for selling). Twice a day – at noon and at the close – the Options Survey publishes new evaluations and recommendations online so you can keep abreast of the fast-moving world of options.

Options Survey 
The Value Line Options Survey went online in 1995, evaluating about 10,000 options. We now cover virtually the entire listed equity options market — some 550,000 options. In our service, we evaluate and rank options for the five basic strategies; call buying, put buying, call writing, put writing and covered call writing. We also rank options for married put buying, which is a combination of owning the stock and hedging the position by purchasing a put.

Product Information
We base our option ranks on a weighted combination of the Value Line common stock ranks and our option model’s calculation of whether the options are underpriced (good for buying) or overpriced (good for writing).

A typical rank 1 call is a call with an underpriced ask price and an underlying common stock rank of 1. A typical rank 1 put is an underpriced put (again ask price) with an underlying common stock rank of 5.



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Options Survey Trial Information

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